Automation Category Specialist 100%.

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    Vanuwy Kulasegaram
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Job Details

For Lonza AG in Visp, Switzerland, we are looking for a Category Automation Specialist / Buyer in the pharmaceutical or biotech sector.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement category strategies

  • Manage supplier relationships and procurement for Capex projects

  • Monitor market trends, identify risks, and ensure compliance with industry standards

  • Oversee procurement of hardware, software, and licensing models

  • Lead RFx packages and procurement benchmarks

  • Optimize lifecycle costs and improve procurement efficiency

For Lonza AG in Visp, Switzerland, we are looking for a Category Automation Specialist / Buyer in the pharmaceutical or biotech sector.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement category strategies

  • Manage supplier relationships and procurement for Capex projects

  • Monitor market trends, identify risks, and ensure compliance with industry standards

  • Oversee procurement of hardware, software, and licensing models

  • Lead RFx packages and procurement benchmarks

  • Optimize lifecycle costs and improve procurement efficiency

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Vanuwy Kulasegaram

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