travel experiences employee.

dettagli di lavoro

dettagli offerta.

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dettagli di lavoro

For our estimated client, an international company in the tourism sector, we are looking for a travel experiences employee.

The team oversee negotiations with DMCs, restaurants, local guides, venues,

and attractions. Additionally, they take charge of designing and executing all optional excursions, from creation and negotiations to
data management, costing, pricing, and revenue optimization.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Finalizing contracts and agreements in writing following pre-existing procedures and instructions.
  • Product development and competitive analysis.
  • Daily correspondence with external suppliers and internal departments.
  • Assisting with administrative/operational tasks both internally and with overseas Offices.
  • Production and distribution of guidelines for tour directors.
  • Quotations of optional excursions.

For our estimated client, an international company in the tourism sector, we are looking for a travel experiences employee.

The team oversee negotiations with DMCs, restaurants, local guides, venues,

and attractions. Additionally, they take charge of designing and executing all optional excursions, from creation and negotiations to
data management, costing, pricing, and revenue optimization.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Finalizing contracts and agreements in writing following pre-existing procedures and instructions.
  • Product development and competitive analysis.
  • Daily correspondence with external suppliers and internal departments.
  • Assisting with administrative/operational tasks both internally and with overseas Offices.
  • Production and distribution of guidelines for tour directors.
  • Quotations of optional excursions.


saremo felici di rispondere alle tue domande in merito a questa posizione.


Ramona Murru

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