For our Client, a cutting-edge biotech company revolutionizing diagnostic assays, we are recruiting aGeneral SupervisorLocation: BernContract: PermanentThis position offers exciting opportunities for professional growth within a collaborative and innovative environment, serving both the Swiss and European markets, and eventually the US market.Your TasksOverseeing daily laboratory operations, ensuring compliance with CLIA regulations and state requirements.
For our Client, a cutting-edge biotech company revolutionizing diagnostic assays, we are recruiting aGeneral SupervisorLocation: BernContract: PermanentThis position offers exciting opportunities for professional growth within a collaborative and innovative environment, serving both the Swiss and European markets, and eventually the US market.Your TasksOverseeing daily laboratory operations, ensuring compliance with CLIA regulations and state requirements.
For our Client, a cutting-edge biotech company revolutionizing diagnostic assays, we are recruiting aMedical Laboratory Technician Flow CytometryLocation: BernContract: PermanentThis position offers exciting opportunities for professional growth within a collaborative and innovative environment, serving both the Swiss and European markets, and eventually the US market.Your TasksPerform flow cytometry analyses to evaluate allergic reactions in vitro.Prepare
For our Client, a cutting-edge biotech company revolutionizing diagnostic assays, we are recruiting aMedical Laboratory Technician Flow CytometryLocation: BernContract: PermanentThis position offers exciting opportunities for professional growth within a collaborative and innovative environment, serving both the Swiss and European markets, and eventually the US market.Your TasksPerform flow cytometry analyses to evaluate allergic reactions in vitro.Prepare
Du liebst Technik und Kundenkontakt? In dieser Rolle sorgst du weltweit für erstklassigen Support, erstellst wichtige technische Dokumentationen und führst Schulungen durch. Wenn du eine technische Ausbildung hast und gerne im internationalen Umfeld arbeitest, bist du hier genau richtig!AufagabenSicherstellen des globalen technischen Supports für Distributoren, Tochtergesellschaften und EndkundenBearbeiten von technischen Kundenanfragen und BeanstandungenK
Du liebst Technik und Kundenkontakt? In dieser Rolle sorgst du weltweit für erstklassigen Support, erstellst wichtige technische Dokumentationen und führst Schulungen durch. Wenn du eine technische Ausbildung hast und gerne im internationalen Umfeld arbeitest, bist du hier genau richtig!AufagabenSicherstellen des globalen technischen Supports für Distributoren, Tochtergesellschaften und EndkundenBearbeiten von technischen Kundenanfragen und BeanstandungenK
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