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    1 offerte di lavoro trovate per Indeterminato It a Thônex, Genève

    cancella criteri di ricerca
      • Geneva, Genève
      • Indeterminato
      Job Title: Digitalization Lead – HRPurpose of the PositionThe Digitalization Lead plays a critical role in driving the organization’s digital transformation efforts by bridging business units and technology teams to optimize end-to-end processes and implement unified information systems. Collaborating with key functions such as Finance, Logistics, and HR, the Digitalization Lead focuses on process optimization, system development (including ERP), and drivi
      Job Title: Digitalization Lead – HRPurpose of the PositionThe Digitalization Lead plays a critical role in driving the organization’s digital transformation efforts by bridging business units and technology teams to optimize end-to-end processes and implement unified information systems. Collaborating with key functions such as Finance, Logistics, and HR, the Digitalization Lead focuses on process optimization, system development (including ERP), and drivi

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