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1 offerte di lavoro trovate per Indeterminato Engineering a Verschiedene Arbeitsorte Schweizweit, Zürich

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    • Zürich, Zürich
    • Indeterminato
    Are you passionate about technical sales and eager to drive business growth in the energy sector? As a Technical Sales Engineer – Power Systems, you will play a key role in expanding service solutions for power transmission and distribution networks across Switzerland.Working closely with proposal and execution teams, you will develop tailored solutions and support customers with cutting-edge service offerings. You will report to both the Service Sales Tea
    Are you passionate about technical sales and eager to drive business growth in the energy sector? As a Technical Sales Engineer – Power Systems, you will play a key role in expanding service solutions for power transmission and distribution networks across Switzerland.Working closely with proposal and execution teams, you will develop tailored solutions and support customers with cutting-edge service offerings. You will report to both the Service Sales Tea

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