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1 offerte di lavoro trovate per determinato Engineering a Umgebung Winterthur, Zürich

cancella criteri di ricerca
    • Zürich, Zürich
    • determinato
    Tasks:Lead and execute medium-sized customer projects and internal projects, ensuring complianceProject planning and technical detailing of gas-insulated switchgear, including preparation of all necessary documents for orders, fabrication, assembly, and customers.Discuss and align technical solutions with customers and internal stakeholders.Manage all technical communication channels, both internally and externally.Oversee project execution and material pr
    Tasks:Lead and execute medium-sized customer projects and internal projects, ensuring complianceProject planning and technical detailing of gas-insulated switchgear, including preparation of all necessary documents for orders, fabrication, assembly, and customers.Discuss and align technical solutions with customers and internal stakeholders.Manage all technical communication channels, both internally and externally.Oversee project execution and material pr

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