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    Pagina 2 - 31 offerte di lavoro per engineering

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      • Turgi, Aargau
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      R&D Engineer Power Electronics - Medium VoltageThe R&D Engineer will be part of the Medium Voltage Drives R&D team, focusing on the design and development of Medium Voltage Power Electronics Frequency Converters for various industries such as marine, wind, water, oil and gas, food, metals, and mining. Responsibilities include leading the system design, specification, testing, and qualification of key components for a new family of ABB MV Drives Frequency C
      R&D Engineer Power Electronics - Medium VoltageThe R&D Engineer will be part of the Medium Voltage Drives R&D team, focusing on the design and development of Medium Voltage Power Electronics Frequency Converters for various industries such as marine, wind, water, oil and gas, food, metals, and mining. Responsibilities include leading the system design, specification, testing, and qualification of key components for a new family of ABB MV Drives Frequency C

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