No sponsorships for non-EU candidatesAre you ready for a new challenge? In this interesting role you are working at a large leading financial organization. Start: AsapType of employment: permanentLocation: Zürich + Remote (only in Switzerland)What we're looking for:5 years’ experience in managing on-premise Active Directory services, domain controllers, server automation and 3 years with Azure and Microsoft Entra IDStrong reverse engineering skills across
No sponsorships for non-EU candidatesAre you ready for a new challenge? In this interesting role you are working at a large leading financial organization. Start: AsapType of employment: permanentLocation: Zürich + Remote (only in Switzerland)What we're looking for:5 years’ experience in managing on-premise Active Directory services, domain controllers, server automation and 3 years with Azure and Microsoft Entra IDStrong reverse engineering skills across
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