• 4-6 years of professional hands-on experience in software engineering, with focus on multi-threaded applications development in Java (Java 8+, SpringBoot, WildFly, SOAP and REST services).• A backpack of experience that includes excellent database knowledge with SQL and Hibernate.• Excellent knowledge of object-oriented design, event-based message systems, and database design and development and may be also about FIX protocol or financial markets and the
• 4-6 years of professional hands-on experience in software engineering, with focus on multi-threaded applications development in Java (Java 8+, SpringBoot, WildFly, SOAP and REST services).• A backpack of experience that includes excellent database knowledge with SQL and Hibernate.• Excellent knowledge of object-oriented design, event-based message systems, and database design and development and may be also about FIX protocol or financial markets and the
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