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1 determinato offerte di lavoro trovate per te

cancella criteri di ricerca
    • Zürich, Zürich
    • determinato
    Data EngineerStart: 01.04.2025Duration: Until the end of the yearDegree of employment: 100%ZurichWe have an urgent requirement for a software engineer with excellent data skills who is comfortable working in Microsoft Azure and making changes across multiple areas of the solution i.e. application code, data storage and Azure platform. The assignment is to implement a solution for data multi-tenancy and seeding of data from different source system environme
    Data EngineerStart: 01.04.2025Duration: Until the end of the yearDegree of employment: 100%ZurichWe have an urgent requirement for a software engineer with excellent data skills who is comfortable working in Microsoft Azure and making changes across multiple areas of the solution i.e. application code, data storage and Azure platform. The assignment is to implement a solution for data multi-tenancy and seeding of data from different source system environme

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