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    1 offerta di lavoro a Le Lieu

    cancella criteri di ricerca
      • Le Lieu
      • Indeterminato
      For one of our clients, a global leading contract manufacturer for medical devices, we are looking for a Key Account / Business Development Manager for the DACH region. (Need to be fluent in German & English, French is a plus) Your Tasks:As Key Account / BD Manager, you will play a key role in developing strategic partnerships and establishing relationships with appropiate Customers. Your main tasks will include: For Existing Customers:Act as the primary l
      For one of our clients, a global leading contract manufacturer for medical devices, we are looking for a Key Account / Business Development Manager for the DACH region. (Need to be fluent in German & English, French is a plus) Your Tasks:As Key Account / BD Manager, you will play a key role in developing strategic partnerships and establishing relationships with appropiate Customers. Your main tasks will include: For Existing Customers:Act as the primary l

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