Junior Buyer (6 months contract - available immediately).

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dettagli di lavoro

On belhalf of our client, multinational industrial company we are looking for a Junior Buyer (for a fixed-term contract of six months)

He/she will be in charge of :

- Support, develop and implement purchasing strategies for managed categories.

- Perform quotation analyses and evaluation based on a set of defined criteria in order to prepare awarding recommendations.

- Negotiate with suppliers.

- Draft, administrate and update contracts with suppliers.

- Manage claims.

- Create and maintain supplier data.

- Identify and realize cost saving potentials.

- Ensure compliance with internal and external guidelines and requirements.

- Proactive supplier management.

On belhalf of our client, multinational industrial company we are looking for a Junior Buyer (for a fixed-term contract of six months)

He/she will be in charge of :

- Support, develop and implement purchasing strategies for managed categories.

- Perform quotation analyses and evaluation based on a set of defined criteria in order to prepare awarding recommendations.

- Negotiate with suppliers.

- Draft, administrate and update contracts with suppliers.

- Manage claims.

- Create and maintain supplier data.

- Identify and realize cost saving potentials.

- Ensure compliance with internal and external guidelines and requirements.

- Proactive supplier management.


saremo felici di rispondere alle tue domande in merito a questa posizione.


Francesca Albini

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