Data Management employee - excellent Excel skills.

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dettagli di lavoro

For our estimated client, an international company in the tourism sector, we are looking for a Data management employee.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Data entry: update of internal systems with all itineraries related data (departures, services, excursions' details and prices)
  • Handling and update of excursions and itineraries content published on consumer websites
  • Ensure the accuracy and validity of data, and identify and correct any errors or inconsistencies
  • Guarantee consistency and accuracy of the content distributed internally and externally
  • Ensure efficient and correct data flow
  • Develop and implement procedures for effective data collection and management
  • Collaborate with team to identify and act on opportunities for consistent process improvement

For our estimated client, an international company in the tourism sector, we are looking for a Data management employee.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Data entry: update of internal systems with all itineraries related data (departures, services, excursions' details and prices)
  • Handling and update of excursions and itineraries content published on consumer websites
  • Ensure the accuracy and validity of data, and identify and correct any errors or inconsistencies
  • Guarantee consistency and accuracy of the content distributed internally and externally
  • Ensure efficient and correct data flow
  • Develop and implement procedures for effective data collection and management
  • Collaborate with team to identify and act on opportunities for consistent process improvement


saremo felici di rispondere alle tue domande in merito a questa posizione.


Ramona Murru

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