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For a dynamic online company we're looking for a junior procurement assistant

We are seeking a highly skilled Procurement assistant to support the procurement team in all aspects of purchasing, vendor communication, order management, and data analysis.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Order Execution and Management
  • Supplier Communication and Relationship Management
  • Inventory and Stock Management
  • Administrative Support
  • Support in Supplier Sourcing

For a dynamic online company we're looking for a junior procurement assistant

We are seeking a highly skilled Procurement assistant to support the procurement team in all aspects of purchasing, vendor communication, order management, and data analysis.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Order Execution and Management
  • Supplier Communication and Relationship Management
  • Inventory and Stock Management
  • Administrative Support
  • Support in Supplier Sourcing


saremo felici di rispondere alle tue domande in merito a questa posizione.


Aurélie Lombardo

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