velocizza la candidatura condividendo il tuo profilo
dettagli di lavoro
In this role your responsibilities will include:
Perform routine testing techniques such as the following, with a high degree of reliability, efficiency and accuracy:
HPLC/UPLC chromatography-based methods
Capillary electrophoresis based methods
Spectrophotometry based methods
Process related impurities testing based on ELISA, ddPCR
OD and TOC Test.
Compendials methods
Deliver data treatment and analytical reports of high quality.
Contribute to the writing of SOPs and analytics related documents in English.
Interact with customers when needed, with the aim of result discussion or coordination of routine activity.
In this role your responsibilities will include:
Perform routine testing techniques such as the following, with a high degree of reliability, efficiency and accuracy:
HPLC/UPLC chromatography-based methods
Capillary electrophoresis based methods
Spectrophotometry based methods
Process related impurities testing based on ELISA, ddPCR
OD and TOC Test.
Compendials methods
Deliver data treatment and analytical reports of high quality.
Contribute to the writing of SOPs and analytics related documents in English.
Interact with customers when needed, with the aim of result discussion or coordination of routine activity.
Who you are:
You have a CFC or Bachelor's degree in biotechnology, chemistry, biochemistry or a related subject.
You have Knowledge of GLP/GMP/Quality Systems requirements for analytical testing
You have Knowledge in Empower, Softmax Pro, LIMS, Discoverant or other relevant software packages would be a plus.
You have good oral and written communication skills in English. French is a plus.
You have rigorous attention to details.
You have a high degree of self-motivation, commitment, reliability, flexibility, multi-tasking approach to support department and business objectives and a great team-spirit attitude.
You are curios and open minded to new tools & technology
Condividi questa opportunità
saremo felici di rispondere alle tue domande in merito a questa posizione.
Estelle Kotelon
Randstad Merck Aubonne
il processo di selezione.
Sai come funziona il nostro iter di selezione? Scopri come aiutiamo le persone a trovare il lavoro giusto.
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candidati con Randstad.
Candidarsi alle nostre offerte di lavoro è facile. Dopo aver ricevuto la tua domanda di impiego, la verificheremo per capire se è linea con il ruolo professionale e l’azienda.
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ti ricontatteremo.
Il nostro consulente ti contatterà a tempo debito per discutere la tua candidatura e futuri desideri di carriera.
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per registrarti.
Se non hai ancora lavorato con noi, avremo bisogno di ulteriori informazioni di base per confermare la tua idoneità a lavorare in Svizzera.
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verifica compatibilità, referenze e formazione.
Dovremo poi controllare un paio di dati – faremo le necessarie verifiche di compatibilità per assicurarci che tu sia il candidato ideale per il ruolo, contatteremo le referenze che ci hai trasmesso e ti aggiorneremo.
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il lavoro perfetto per te.
Il nostro team di esperti organizzerà un colloquio per il profilo per cui ti sei candidato oppure, in caso di migliori opportunità, ti proporrà delle alternative.
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il colloquio.
Ci assicureremo che tu sia perfettamente preparato ad affrontare il tuo colloquio e al corrente di quello che ti aspetta. Buona fortuna!
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inizia il tuo nuovo impiego.
Congratulazioni! Sei pronto per iniziare il tuo nuovo impiego. Il team garantirà che tu sia perfettamente pronto ad affrontare il tuo primo giorno di lavoro.
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supporto continuo.
Una volta iniziata la tua nuova sfida, ti contatteremo per vedere come procede e per assicurarci che tu abbia il nostro supporto nello svolgimento del tuo impiego.
En tant que membre de l'équipe QC Projet & Equipement, tu participeras aux activités de contrôle qualité liées à l'infrastructure du laboratoire et à la mise en ?uvre de nouvelles technologies.Ton rôle est de conduire notre évolution vers une automatisation accrue et un laboratoire de pointe par la validation de nouvelles méthodes analytique, la validation de feuilles excel et l'implémentation de nouveaux projets digitaux au sein du département. Tu support
En tant que membre de l'équipe QC Projet & Equipement, tu participeras aux activités de contrôle qualité liées à l'infrastructure du laboratoire et à la mise en ?uvre de nouvelles technologies.Ton rôle est de conduire notre évolution vers une automatisation accrue et un laboratoire de pointe par la validation de nouvelles méthodes analytique, la validation de feuilles excel et l'implémentation de nouveaux projets digitaux au sein du département. Tu support
As part of the QC Project & Equipment team , your will be able:To coordinate QC activities related to outsourcing Technology transfer and/or routine analytical activities .To ensure that all QC testing related to Tech Transfert are performed according to the established plan, good manufacturing practices, registration product files and site quality standards.To ensure that the documentation linked to the validation is done according to defined planning to
As part of the QC Project & Equipment team , your will be able:To coordinate QC activities related to outsourcing Technology transfer and/or routine analytical activities .To ensure that all QC testing related to Tech Transfert are performed according to the established plan, good manufacturing practices, registration product files and site quality standards.To ensure that the documentation linked to the validation is done according to defined planning to
TON RÔLE :En tant que membre de l'équipe QC Projet & Equipement, tu participeras à la mise en place de nouveaux équipements, en suivant les flux de qualification interne (IQ,OQ,PQ). Ces qualifications incluent une partie importante de CSV, pour garantir le respect de la data integrity.Ton rôle est de conduire notre évolution vers une automatisation accrue et un laboratoire de pointe par la qualification et la validation de nouveaux équipements et systèmes
TON RÔLE :En tant que membre de l'équipe QC Projet & Equipement, tu participeras à la mise en place de nouveaux équipements, en suivant les flux de qualification interne (IQ,OQ,PQ). Ces qualifications incluent une partie importante de CSV, pour garantir le respect de la data integrity.Ton rôle est de conduire notre évolution vers une automatisation accrue et un laboratoire de pointe par la qualification et la validation de nouveaux équipements et systèmes
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