Analytical Op&QC Lab Technician - 12 mois.

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  • Contatto
    Estelle Kotelon
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In this role your responsibilities will include:

  • Perform routine testing techniques such as the following, with a high degree of reliability, efficiency and accuracy:
    • HPLC/UPLC chromatography-based methods
    • Capillary electrophoresis based methods
    • Spectrophotometry based methods
    • Process related impurities testing based on ELISA, ddPCR
    • OD and TOC Test.
    • Compendials methods
    • Deliver data treatment and analytical reports of high quality.
    • Contribute to the writing of SOPs and analytics related documents in English.
    • Interact with customers when needed, with the aim of result discussion or coordination of routine activity.

In this role your responsibilities will include:

  • Perform routine testing techniques such as the following, with a high degree of reliability, efficiency and accuracy:
    • HPLC/UPLC chromatography-based methods
    • Capillary electrophoresis based methods
    • Spectrophotometry based methods
    • Process related impurities testing based on ELISA, ddPCR
    • OD and TOC Test.
    • Compendials methods
    • Deliver data treatment and analytical reports of high quality.
    • Contribute to the writing of SOPs and analytics related documents in English.
    • Interact with customers when needed, with the aim of result discussion or coordination of routine activity.


saremo felici di rispondere alle tue domande in merito a questa posizione.


Estelle Kotelon

  • Randstad Merck Aubonne

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