welcome to the randstad award event 2021.
We warmly invite you to attend the prize-giving ceremony for the most attractive employer in Switzerland on April 20, 2021.
register here
randstad award event 2021.
- 4PM - Start of Randstad Award Event
- Intro: Why Employer Branding matters during a crisis
- Insights out of the new Randstad Employer Brand Research
- Top 5 - 20 of the most attractive employers
- Expert Input on the topic "Employer Branding during a crisis"
- Revealing of the Top 5 of the most attractive employers
- 5PM - Closing of the event
Event language: English
the survey.
8 years of the study in Switzerland
34 participating countries worldwide
4,900 respondents aged between 18 and 65
20 key factors
the study in detail